
Monday, April 25, 2011

What A Night!

Since I couldn't sleep last night because I was waiting for the storm we were supposed to get ( I am a big chicken when it comes to storms) I decided to pass my time by doing some crafting. I got a lot done but it doesn't seem like I got too far. Does that make sense? I don't know if my mind was just so pre-occupied with the storm or what my deal was but I had three different projects going all at the same time. I finished a note card holder and started on two envelope mini albums and a paper bag mini album. I managed to screw up the one envelope mini half way through so I set it aside until I was awake enough to think of a way to fix it. The other envelope mini and the paper bag mini just got adhered together. I'm not really sure what I am going to do with those yet but they are sitting on my table just staring at me now.

I have several projects that I want to post this week but I'm just not sure how I am going to get everything done. We have 3 baseball games scheduled for this week and the official start of the season is on Saturday. Those little guys and this mommy are going to be exhausted!

I have been searching for a tripod so that I can post a video but I haven't had too much luck with that. I think I can do a little mini video by just holding the camera but I'm not sure how well that will go. I'm pretty sure I am going to try it out just to see.

Well I guess that's enough rambling on for this morning. I think I am going to get some laundry done and while I am waiting on that, I just might head on down to the crafting table again and see what I can squeeze in.

See ya soon! :-)


  1. I can not wait to see your lastest creations. Have fun at the baseball games this week.

  2. Thanks Theresa!!! I have exciting news coming tomorrow!!! I can't wait to share. I'm so happy and giddy, I feel like a little kid in a candy store right now. Or should I say...a craft-a-holic in a Michaels Store. :-)
